PhantomSign will create a temporary email address that is valid for up to 5 minutes.
The PhantomSign email can be used to signup to a service of your choice that may require the email to be verified.
PhantomSign will try to extract the verification code or link from the verification email and output it straight to your screen.
PhantomSign offers a simple and effective API to extract verification codes and links from temporary email addresses.
All API requests require a valid API key, which should be provided as a header:
All endpoints are rate-limited to 20 requests/minute per IP
x-api-key[API KEY]
Generate an API keyPOST/api/generate-inbox
200"inbox": [email]
401"error": [API key error]
200"message": "Awaiting email"
200{"code": [Verification code]"company": [Company name]}
200{"link": [Verification link]"company": [Company name]}
200"message": "Email lacks content"
400"error": "No inbox provided"
401"error": [API key error]
404"error": "Inbox not found"
200"message": "Inbox deleted"
400"error": "No inbox provided"
403"error": [API key error]
404"error": "Inbox not found"